Math 461/A6100: Differential Geometry
Spring 2025
Instructor: Prof. Cleary
E-mail: scleary (at sign)
Office: Marshak 301
Phone: 650-5122
Office Hours: see webpage here for up-to-date office hours.
Text: Pressley, 2nd edition, Elementary Differential Geometry, ISBN-10: 184882890X
ISBN-13: 978-1848828902, Springer. And E. Abbott Abbott's Flatland, available online free in many places.
Course documents:
- Math colloquium "Thursday" March 6, 12:30pm in Marshak 702, Light refreshments, including coffee and muffins, will be available starting at 12:00 PM, see colloq page
- Mathematica parameterization of a Mobius band on Brightsspace under "Content"
- Notebook for curvature of a helix is here.
- Upcoming schedule: no class Wed Feb 12 or Mon Feb 17, class Tues Feb 18 and Wed Feb 19th.
- The process for CCNY students to get Mathematica is described here. The CUNY site license allows free student use of the full version. I believe you need to use your CCNY email address when you set up your account.
- Note: we will be using the 2nd edition of Pressley (the current one.) The title is in red letters on the cover, whereas the old edition had blue letters for the title, an easy way to tell them apart.
- First class meets Jan 27th, in the Artino classroom in NAC 1511E. It is a little hard to find and involves going down a long cinderblock cooridor.
- E. Abbott Abbott's Flatland is available online free in many places, for example here
Homework Assignments
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