Math 213: Calculus III with Vector Analysis
Spring 2025
Instructor: Prof. Cleary
E-mail: scleary (at sign)
Office: Marshak 301C
Phone: 650-5122
Office Hours: see webpage here for up-to-date office hours.
Text: Calculus Early Transcendentals (9th ed.), Stewart, Clegg, Watson.
Course documents:
- All students should have received email notification from Gradescope about being enrolled in our course, sent to the email account to be used for logging in to Gradescope.
- Gradescope emails sent to were apparently not always succeeding. They are now set to "Preferred Email" from CUNY First, which in many cases is
- There is a Gradescope page at this link for students having difficulty, and our course is at this link with identifier 893497 if needed.
There is a possibly needed code of KZ7XYX . All registered students should already be connected with our course. Make sure to use your Brightspace email.
- There are some Sample 213 Questions posted in the "Content>Resource Files" section of our Brightspace page to help prepare for upcoming exams. There are also the old departmental 213 and 203 final exams to help prepare.
Gradescope emails sent to those from Brightspace, and are often formatted as something like or similar.
- For Exam 1 on Wed Mar 5th, there will be two options:
- Get the whole exam at the beginning of class, and complete it in one sitting.
- Get the first half of the exam at the beginning of class. After 50 minutes, turn that part in and then take a break of up to 5 minutes. Then get the second half of the exam and complete the second half in the remaining time.
If you expect to need to leave briefly during the exam, you should opt for the two-part option. No student who arrives later than 15 minutes after the exam begins may choose the two-part option. No one-part exam student may leave until one hour has elapsed.
If you are interested in the two-part exam option, let me know by email by the Wednesday before the exam so that I can duplicate exams appropriately.
- For students not as familiar with hyperbolic functions, there is a video and
examples on Dr. Marchese's 202 lecture page at the 202 videos page as Lesson 8.
- Exam 1 coming up. Will cover material up to and including all topics from lecture, the text, and homework on topics to the homework sections due the day of Exam 1, Mar 5th.
- Class quiz graded, scores on Gradescope. Email with information sent to Brightspace's email addresses.
- Likely quiz on vectors and objects in space at the beginning of lecture on Wed, Feb 18th.
- For students looking for practice final exam problems covering material we have already done, Q1 of Sample 213 Final C from the 213 page or Q1 from Spring 2017 of the 203 page are exactly the types of problems recently done in class. Also Q1a, Q2a, Q2b from 203 Spring 2005, Q1 from Spring 2006, and many others.
- Some of the WeBWorK assignments (12.5 and 12.6) deadlines are postponed again due to us being behind in lecture.
- Upcoming schedule: no class Wed Feb 12 or Mon Feb 17, class Tues Feb 18 and Wed Feb 19th.
- Some of the WeBWorK assignments (12.5 and 12.6) deadlines are postponed due to us being behind in lecture.
- We will be using the WeBWorK assignment system for homework which is at part of the CCNY WeBWorK system
To log in there, use your CCNY account information (what you would use to connect to the wireless network or the CCNY email student email system). There are already a few assignments posted there so you check make sure that you can log in and begin to familiarize yourself with the system. If you are not able to connect to the system, you may need to visit the CCNY Helpdesk and reset your password there.
Note: to login to the WeBWorK system, use just the username part of your login, and not the part.
- Students enrolled in the course as of January 15th should have received a 213AB welcome email. Please check your registration and email settings if you believe you are enrolled in the course but have not gotten such an email.
- First lecture is Monday, January 27th in NAC 1/203, which is toward the left (southeast) after entering the main entrance near the flagpoles on the NAC Plaza from Convent Ave.
- Questions about administrative aspects of the course or specific mathematical topics are generally best posted in the appropriate Brightspace discussion board, as that way others can either answer them or benefit from responses.
- Introductory quizes "Quiz0" and "Quiz 1" are available on Brightspace and should be completed by Feb 8th.
- We will be using the WeBWorK system for electronic homework, but it is important to get in the habit of working out exercises clearly and completely by hand. Furthermore, note that the electronic system does not test many important aspects of the course, including knowing the definitions, theorems, and proofs, as well as geometric aspects such as sketching both in the plane and in space.
- The video lessons from the old Math 203 course which overlaps 213 considerably are here. To review prerequisite material, you may want to consider Lesson 7 "Cylinders" and Lesson 8 "Quadric Surfaces" which were covered in Math 212.
- There are some resources at the departmental Math 213 page which may be helpful.
- There are some helpful videos from Dr. Marchese at
this YouTube channel which cover material from old 201, 202, and 203. These can be very helpful either to fill in gaps in preparation
(for example for those who took calculus elsewhere and may be missing some topics) or as a review or supplement.
- For those who took a course comparable to Math 212 elsewhere or a while ago, there
is a range of information available about current CCNY Math 212 here including syllabi, assignments, and sample departmental final exams.
- Sample departmental finals from Math 213 are available here.
Webpages for this course:
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